SmartPeg Reference Guide
Discover the correct SmartPeg for your implant system with our updated reference guide. Click the button below to download the latest version.
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ISQ, or Implant Stability Quotient, is a scale from 1 to 99 and is a measure of the stability of an implant. The ISQ scale has a non-linear correlation to micro mobility. With more than 1500 scientific references, we now know that high stability means >70 ISQ, between 60-69 is medium stability and < 60 ISQ is considered as low stability.
Expert voices
How many times can you use the SmartPeg and still get accurate ISQ readings?
In the Osstell Scientific Symposium at the EAO Congress 2016, leading experts shared valuable insights on the SmartPeg’s longevity and accuracy in measuring ISQ values. Watch the full discussion featuring Prof. Neil Meredith, Dr. Jay P. Malmquist, Dr. Joerg Neugebauer, and Dr. Marcus Dagnelid to learn more about the reliability of the SmartPeg and best practices for accurate ISQ readings over time.
Osstell Technology – SmartPegs by Dr. William Martin
In this highlight from Dr. William Martin’s presentation at the Osstell Corporate Forum during AO 2016 in San Diego, Dr. Martin explores the correct use of the Osstell SmartPeg and stresses the importance of selecting the proper SmartPeg for each implant system. Watch the full presentation to learn how to optimize your ISQ measurements with Osstell technology.
Can I re-use the SmartPegs?
The SmartPegs are single use items. To avoid damage to the implant, the SmartPeg material is quite soft, which limits the lifetime of the threads. So the SmartPeg cannot be reused for two reasons: First, the magnet cannot stand the heat of an autoclave, it will be affected and discolored. Second, the threads are made weak not to jeopardize the inner threads in the implant. Reusing the SmartPeg might wear out the threads and give misleading ISQ values.
Is the ISQ value affected by the torque of the SmartPeg?
The SmartPeg should be tightened with 4-5 Ncm, which means “finger tight”, using the SmartPeg Mount. It is enough with firm contact between the SmartPeg and the implant. The difference in ISQ value will then stay within 2 ISQ units. (If the SmartPeg is tightened too loosely, the ISQ-value will be lower.) If the SmartPeg is over-tightened, there is a risk that the SmartPeg threads will be damaged.
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