“Digital dentistry”, “digital workflow” and similar phrases are becoming so common it is almost difficult to really know what the sender really is referring to. Perhaps it is nowadays accurate to think of the general concept of “digitizing” a dental practice – but also be aware that it means different things to different clinicians (http://bit.ly/29Y7IpG). Regardless, I think this is a development that will benefit patients and clinicians alike. This is true for many other areas in the society where digitalization has happened or is happening. Obviously it will lead to more cost efficient and improved workflows, better results and better and more accurate treatments. Some other aspects are likely more easy-to-use technology that actually works together with other equipment, improved communication and also fewer mistakes and data loss instances.
For Osstell, our perspective in this is about safety, avoiding risk, less hassle and saving time – or peace of mind. With the IDx product, we have made sure that it would be compatible and ready to be integrated into the digital dentistry technologies now being put to work. It saves and backs up data automatically both online and locally. It also keeps track of your measurements in terms of patient, implant, implant position, and more than 30 other parameters.
This is the first in a series of integrations intended to help our users in the digitalization of the workflow. There will be no need for the IDx users to keep separate files, journals, handwritten notes, etc. It is our ambition to partner and integrate the IDx with all the major patient and practice management systems out there. It will surely take some time before it is all in place but it is starting now. The focus here is: the right ISQ value, with the right implant, patient and at the right time. The Osstell IDx has that capability (and more) to ensure this for its users.
Thank you for the time you have spent reading these few lines and we would like to wish you all a really good summer 2016. We are already looking forward to a very exciting fall. To mention a few highlights, there will be a great Osstell Scientific Symposium EAO with interesting information and presentations by Drs Jay Malmquist (US), Joerg Neugebauer (DE) and Marcus Dagnelid (SWE), and the launch of a novel and unique product from one of our close partners already in September!
Check in with us after the summer – there will more exciting news about this and many other things by then.