Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

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Top News 2016

Dec 22, 2016

The most read pieces of the year on


What Makes a SmartPeg so Smart?

SmartPegs are an integral part of the system that make up the technique for measuring implant stability. They were designed specifically for the Osstell RFA technology and are an integral part of the system that make up the technique for measuring implant stability.  Because the SmartPeg is so important to getting reliable and accurate ISQ values with the Osstell instrument, it has to meet specific technical requirements. After all, without the SmartPeg the technology and the technique would not provide the clinician with the valuable information needed to measure implant stability and make effective treatment decisions.

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Top 5 questions to ISQ users

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When is the use of Osstell and ISQ relevant?

Highlight from the panel discussion held at EAO Congress 2016 during the Osstell Scientific Symposium.

Prof. Neil Meredith (AUS)
Dr. Jay P. Malmquist (USA)
Dr. Joerg Neugebauer (DE)

Dr. Marcus Dagnelid (SWE)

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How to Determine Osseointegration Before Final Restoration

Requests for shorter treatment times along with a growing number of patients with risk factors place greater demands on dentists and the available technology. There is an increasing need to evaluate implant stability before final restoration that cannot be achieved using traditional methods such as torque and percussion tests.

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How to manage patients with risk factors

Requests for shorter treatment times along with a growing number of patients with risk factors place greater demands on dentists and available technology. Correctly assessing osseointegration and implant stability and is key in successful implant treatment.

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