Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

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Top 5 News 2017

Dec 29, 2017

We've compiled the most read pieces of the year. Enjoy!

1. How to interpret the ISQ Scale?

Which value should we aim at? How to interpret the values? Dr. Scott Ganz answers these questions, illustrated with an actual clinical case, at his lecture at Osstell Hands-on Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) 2017 in Orlando, FL.

Watch video >

2. How Progressive Loading Solved a Critical Implant Case

Dr Francisco Teixeira Barbosa wrote this blog post about progressive loading and how it helped him solve a critical implant case.

Read blog post

3. Osstell Scientific Symposium

Patient focused implant dentistry is changing and protocols, especially for immediate and early loading, are being redefined to accommodate the benefits of digital planning/ diagnostic tools.There is therefore a need for an objective tool to guide and optimize the implant treatment, for complex as well as simple cases.

These renowned speakers demonstrated how using Osstell improves their confidence in their treatment decisions and daily practice.

Watch the videos

4. Comfort and confidence in a click

Ever wondered where the SmartPeg mount is, or if the SmartPeg is tightened enough to the implant? Good news! A new product will be soon available, combining a SmartPeg and a new design of the SmartPeg mount, designed to make measurements even easier. When attaching to the implant, you will hear and feel a “click” when it is tightened enough (appr. 4-5Ncm). It will be available in a few months, for selected SmartPegs and gradually for all SmartPegs in our range. At Osstell, we aim at helping clinicians in their daily practice.

Read more >

5. Enhance your daily practice with OsstellConnect

OsstellConnect is the online service that provides relevant insights of your daily implant treatment performance. OsstellConnect has undergone a major upgrade in design, usability and data content.

What can this new tool do for you? Click here to find out!

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