Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

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Osstell 20 years

Sep 26, 2019

Millions of patients have benefited from implant treatment in the last decades since Prof. Per Ingvar Brånemark’s work. For patients, this means being able to fulfil basic needs like eating. Smiling. Laughing with their grand kids. And so much more. We are honored that we have contributed to this amazing work done by you every day. Because our mission is to help you provide each of your patients with optimal time to teeth.

We have done so for the past 20 years and what a wonderful way to celebrate our anniversary at the EAO Congress. If you are at the EAO in Lisbon, come and visit us in Hall 2, Booth C220-22-24-26!

Remember you can always stay updated on relevant implant treatment insights by subscribing to our newsletter and our blog. Subscribe here!