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ISQ Measurements

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Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

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Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

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Measuring Osstell ISQ on abutment level

Mar 18, 2021

Why measure Osstell ISQ on abutment level?

Why measure Osstell ISQ on abutment level?

The abutment plays a very important role in implant treatments. On top of retaining the prosthesis to the implant, abutments help protect the implant in case of overloading, which may avoid possible implant fractures. With the increasing use of implants with internal connections the need for usage of abutments are increasing.

We would like to share with you this new blog post, explaining why measuring Osstell ISQ on abutment level can help you achieve predictable outcomes.

Read here


How to make a measurement?

The procedure to measure Osstell ISQ on abutment level is the same as measuring on implant level. A SmartPeg is used together with the measurement instrument to measure implant stability on abutments and multi-unit abutments, specifically customized to fit those systems.

Find your SmartPeg


SmartPegs for abutments

SmartPegs are available for abutments from BioHorizons, Camlog, Galimplant, Neoss, Nobel Biocare, Straumann and Thommen Medical.
Download the Osstell SmartPegs App on the App Store or on Google Play or click here to find the suitable SmartPegs type for your abutments.

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