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Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Current status in OsstellConnect:

Patient records

Implant treatments

ISQ Measurements

Dr. Marcus Dagnelid

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Free CE webinar with Dr. Marcus Dagnelid

Feb 17, 2022

Optimizing your implant treatment using the Osstell technique

Free CE webinar with Dr. Marcus Dagnelid

Optimizing your implant treatment using the Osstell technique

By Dr. Marcus Dagnelid

1 hour | English | 1 CE credit | FREE
March 4th, 1.00 PM CEST (Paris) / 8 PM SGT (Singapore) / 7.00 AM EST (New York)


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Webinar details


During this lecture you will gain insights into the benefits of using the Osstell technique, guiding your clinical decision making in implant patients. The importance of objective measurements in patients with risk factors, immediate loading protocols and demands for reducing treatment time in general will be discussed.

Todays implant patients have become more demanding in terms of medical risk factors and shorter treatment periods. By using objective measurements the clinician can guide their clinical decision making process and gain more predictable and safer treatment results.


The Osstell technique has more than 1200 scientific studies proving the success of determining whether an implant is stable enough. This can be utilized in immediate loading protocols and patients with an increased risk. During the presentation different clinical cases will be shown where the RFA technique is displayed.


While collecting data worldwide, the OsstellConnect online platform generates unique insights and tools to further optimizing the predictability and success of your implant patients.


Learning objectives:

  • Understand the importance of objective measurements in the clinical decision-making process surrounding dental implant patients
  • How to utilize the RFA technique in immediate loading protocols
  • Help clinicians improve their knowledge in how they can track patients and treatment outcomes by the use of Osstell Connect online platform


About Dr. Marcus Dagnelid

Dr. Marcus Dagnelid is a Board Certified Prosthodontist, CEO and Chief of Staff at Dagnelid Clinic & Falkenberg Clinic, SAACD AB and Lab By Dagnelid. Originating from Gothenburg in Sweden, the birthplace of dental implants, Dr. Dagnelid literally started in the footsteps of Prof. Per Ingvar Brånemark, and has worked together with several implant companies on product development. He has been an international lecturer for more than 15 years in different topics such as guided surgery, loading concepts and digital implant workflows.