Osstell Beacon
Here you will find all the information you need about your instrument, including set-up, usage and care, as well as support material and answers to your questions.
Charge your Osstell Beacon
Charge your new instrument for 3 hours before use.
Register your Beacon on OsstellConnect and get rewarded
Register your Beacon on OsstellConnect and receive 2 free boxes of SmartPegs (valid for new instruments while stocks last).
Start measuring
Follow the step-by-step guides in the Help section of OsstellConnect, or contact us for support.
Set up your instrument – step by step
In this short video we will guide you, step-by-step, how to set up and register your Osstell Beacon. Get started in 5 minutes and get 2 boxes of SmartPegs for free.
Register hereMeasure implant stability with Osstell Beacon
The Osstell Beacon determines implant stability in a matter of seconds. In this video, we show you how to measure. For more step-by-step guides, please visit the Help section in your OsstellConnect account.
Go to OsstellConnectBarrier sleeve
Prior to use on a patient, place a barrier sleeve over the Osstell Beacon. The barrier sleeve helps prevent cross-contamination and helps keep dental composite material from adhering to the surface of the instrument tip and body, and discoloration and degradations from cleaning solutions.
Recommended barrier sleeves:
Omnia: Non sterile cover, Art No 30.Z0600.00, Sterile cover Art No 22.Z0600.00
PremiumPlus: 123, Small short 123, Small.
TIDIshield, Art no: 21021, Art no: 20987.
The Osstell ISQ Scale
ISQ, or Implant Stability Quotient, is a scale from 1 to 99 and is a measure of the stability of an implant. The ISQ scale has a non-linear correlation to micro mobility. With more than 1500 scientific references, we now know that high stability means >70 ISQ, between 60-69 is medium stability and < 60 ISQ is considered as low stability.
The Osstell ISQ ScaleDo you need help?
Fill in the form below and we will be in otuch shortly. Talk to you soon!