Confidence and predictability
Dec 19, 2018
Interview with Assoc. Professor Ulrike Kuchler, Medical University of Vienna, Department of Oral Surgery
The best way to understand the benefit of measuring the ISQ value is to compare it with the ultrasonographies during pregnancy: It just gives you the certainty that everything is fine – and that’s why I consider it to be an ideal screening method.
Interview with Assoc. Professor Ulrike Kuchler, Medical University of Vienna, Department of Oral Surgery
Originally published in EDI Journal 4/2018 European Journal for Dental Implantologists.
Assoc. Professor Ulrike Kuchler was one of the speakers at the Osstell Industry Satellite Symposium at the EAO in Vienna at the beginning of October. In her speech, she focused on implant stability in compromised situations. Kuchler explicitly described the main factors that lead to implant stability and substantiated her statements with numerous studies. After the speech, EDI Journal Project Manager My To asked Professor Kuchler some in-depth questions.