We launched new features and improvements in the ConsultationTool in OsstellConnect to allow you to even more easily show your patients individual treatment options – while allowing you and your team to easily follow each patient’s unique treatment plan.
- You are now able to group consultation steps into different visits. This makes it easier to describe and visualize multiple steps that are done at the different visits. The visits with their included steps are possible to see and plan in time in the sequence view.
- It is now possible to display soft tissue loss and augmentation.
- You can now include images e.g. X-rays into a consultation and use draw/text tool to make marks on the image.
- More information about the ISQ scale is now available.
- The consultation PDF export is improved.
- An autosave feature is enabled.
As a bonus, we also added those features:
- OsstellConnect is now available in Portuguese-Brazilian, Japanese and Korean.
- We added support for study groups, as a way of collecting and analysing implant cases for a specific purpose, where you can tag implants to be included in a study.