Osstell Beacon

Aqui você encontrará todas as informações de que precisa sobre seu instrumento, incluindo configuração, uso e cuidados, bem como material de suporte e respostas para suas perguntas.

Materiais de suporte

User manual

How to measure

How to register

How to connect to OsstellConnect

Trouble shoot – no reading

Passo 1

Carregue seu Osstell Beacon

Carregue seu novo instrumento por 3 horas antes de usar.

Passo 2

Cadastre seu Beacon no OsstellConnect e seja recompensado

Registre seu Beacon no OsstellConnect e receba 2 caixas gratuitas de SmartPegs (válido para novos instrumentos enquanto durarem os estoques).

Passo 3

Inicie a medição

Siga os guias passo a passo na seção de Ajuda do OsstellConnect, ou entre em contato conosco para obter suporte.

Configure seu instrumento – passo a passo

Neste breve vídeo iremos guiá-lo, passo a passo, como configurar e registrar seu Osstell Beacon. Comece em 5 minutos e ganhe 2 caixas de SmartPegs gratuitamente.

Cadastre-se aqui

Meça a estabilidade do implante com Osstell Beacon

O Osstell Beacon determina a estabilidade do implante em questão de segundos. Neste vídeo, mostramos como medir. Para obter mais guias passo a passo, visite a seção Ajuda em sua conta OsstellConnect.

Vá para OsstellConnect

Protetor de biossegurança

Antes do uso em um paciente, coloque um protetor de biossegurança sobre o Osstell Beacon. O protetor de biossegurança ajuda a prevenir a contaminação cruzada e a contaminar a ponta e o corpo do Osstell, evitando o uso excessivo e a degradação das soluções de limpeza.

Protetor de biossegurança recomendados:

Omnia: Non sterile cover, Art No 30.Z0600.00, Sterile cover Art No 22.Z0600.00

PremiumPlus: 123, Small short 123, Small.

Clique aqui para fazer o pedido.

TIDIshield, Art no: 21021, Art no: 20987.

Clique aqui para fazer o pedido.

Barrier sleeve

A Escala Osstell ISQ

A tecnologia patenteada da Osstell usa a tecnologia RFA, que mede a frequência com que um dispositivo vibra. A frequências de ressonância muda de acordo com diferentes níveis de estabilidade de um implante dentário.

A Escala ISQ
A Escala Osstell ISQ

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be connected to WiFi?

You can have your Osstell Beacon online connected to OsstellConnect for data collection, but it is not a requirement. OsstellConnect is an online tool for statistical analysis and valuable insights based on your data. Before you can start using data connection to OsstellConnect you have to register your Osstell Beacon. The serial number can be found on the back of the instrument. For registration assistance and features of data connection to OsstellConnect, please visit

How do I clean the Osstell Beacon?

Before each use, moisten a gauze or soft cloth with an acceptable (see list below) surface disinfectant and wipe the whole Osstell Beacon instrument. Note! Do not autoclave the Osstell Beacon instrument. Routinely check the surface of the instrument tip and overall surface for possible cracks and resins.

Acceptable Cleaners:
o Isopropyl alcohol
o Ethyl alcohol-based cleaners

Do not use:
o Strong alkali detergent of any type, including hand soaps and dish soaps Bleach based cleaners
o Hydrogen Peroxide based cleaners Abrasive Cleansers
o Acetone of hydrocarbon based cleaners MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)
o Birex Gluteraldehyde
o Quaternary Ammonium Chloride salt-based cleaners

How do I engage / disengage transportation mode?

The Osstell Beacon is delivered from factory in a “transport” mode, where the built-in motion sensor is deactivated. To deactivate the transport mode and start charging, connect the small USB connector of the Osstell USB cable to wide end of the instrument. Connect the large USB connector to a standard USB outlet of a PC, laptop or charger.

How do I get started?

Although it is possible to use the Osstell Beacon directly, depending on the status of the built-in rechargeable battery, it is recommended to charge the battery for at least 3 hours before using the Osstell Beacon instrument.

The Osstell Beacon is activated by a built-in motion sensor. As soon as the motion sensor detects movement, the Osstell Beacon will start-up and shortly show battery status and then be ready for measurement in the BL (Buccal – Lingual) direction, which is indicated in the upper display.

The Osstell Beacon will start to measure, indicated by an audible sound, when near an Osstell SmartPeg or Test peg due to a built-in magnetic detector that senses the magnet on the top of the Osstell SmartPeg/TestPeg. Measured data will be shown in the upper display combined with a colored light indication below the tip.

The red, yellow and green color indicates if the measured ISQ value corresponds to a low, medium or high implant stability according to the ISQ scale guidance, click here for more information.

After 60 seconds of no motion, the Osstell Beacon will turn off automatically.

How do I measure with the Osstell Beacon?

1. Activate the Osstell Beacon by picking it up. The instrument will start-up and after showing the battery status, the instrument will be ready for measurement in the BL (Buccal – Lingual) direction, which is prompted in the upper display as well as optimal angle towards the Smartpeg.

2. Place a barrier sleeve over the Osstell beacon instrument.

3. Place the SmartPeg into the SmartPeg Mount. The SmartPeg is magnetic, and the SmartPeg Mount will hold the SmartPeg. See fig 2. Attach the SmartPeg to the implant or abutment by screwing the SmartPeg Mount using finger force of approximately 4-6 Ncm. Do not over-tighten, to avoid damaging the SmartPeg threads.

4. Hold the instrument tip close (2-4mm) to the top of the SmartPeg without touching it. Sometimes, you will need to go as close as 1 mm. An audible sound indicates when measurement has started, and measured data will be shown in the upper display combined with a colored light indication below the tip.

5. Bring the instrument out of the mouth to clearly read the ISQ value and the colored indication. The measured ISQ values will be displayed in the upper display for a couple of seconds and then switch to be ready for measurement in mesial-distal direction.

6. Repeat step 4 and the sequence starts over and the Osstell Beacon is ready for measurement in the BL (Buccal- Lingual) direction again.

7. When all measurements are performed, remove the SmartPeg by using the SmartPeg Mount. The instrument is automatically turned off after 60 seconds of inactivity.

What is the warranty on the Osstell Beacon?

2 years

When the Beacon doesn’t start or when the display is showing a wrench and a manual.

Charge the Beacon for at least 30 min in room temperature, then try again. If the error remains, try resetting the device by:

1. Identify the Beacon reset pin on the picture below.

Osstell Beacon Reset

2. With a paper clip, do a gentle press for 1 second on the reset button (Note! You may have to tilt the pin a little downwards).
If you see a “PadLock” symbol in the upper display, press one more time on the reset button.

Osstell Beacon Reset Lock

If the Beacon still doesn’t start or the display is showing a wrench and a manual, then please contact your local sales representative or distributor or

Why is it that I get unexpected values or no readings when measuring?

Possible explanations include:

Re-Used SmartPeg: The SmartPegs are disposable and should only be used for one or multiple measurement at one treatment session, for a single patient only. Repeated re-use may result in false readings due to wear and tear of the soft aluminum SmartPeg threads.

Wrong SmartPeg type selected for the implant: See SmartPeg reference list,

Bone or soft tissue in between SmartPeg and Implant: Make sure to clean the Implant prosthetic connection before attaching the SmartPeg.

Electromagnetic interference: Remove the source of electromagnetic interference.

Probe is held too far away from the SmartPeg: Hold the probe 2-4 mm away from the SmartPeg.

Precisa de ajuda?

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