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25 articles

Influence of the dental implant macrogeometry and threads design on primary stability: an in vitro simulation on artificial bone blocks.


2021-11-25 12:00:00


Comuzzi Luca (L) ; Tumedei Margherita (M) ; De Angelis Francesco (F) ; Lorusso Felice (F) ; Piattelli Adriano (A) ; Iezzi Giovanna (G) ;

Published in:

Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering

Effects of photofunctionalization on early osseointegration of titanium dental implants in the maxillary posterior region: a randomized double-blinded clinical trial.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


Choi Bada (B) ; Lee Ye Chan (YC) ; Oh Kyung Chul (KC) ; Lee Jae Hoon (JH) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

Impact of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and beta-blockers on dental implant stability.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


Saravi Babak (B) ; Vollmer Andreas (A) ; Lang Gernot (G) ; Adolphs Nicholai (N) ; Li Zhen (Z) ; Giers Verena (V) ; Stoll Peter (P) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

Alveolar ridge preservation in defect sockets in the maxillary aesthetic zone followed by single-tooth bone level tapered implants with immediate provisionalization: a 1-year prospective case series.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


Meijndert Caroliene M (CM) ; Raghoebar Gerry M (GM) ; Vissink Arjan (A) ; Meijer Henny J A (HJA) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

Can the design of the instruments used for undersized osteotomies influence the initial stability of implants installed in low-density bone? An in vitro pilot study.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


de Carvalho Formiga Márcio (M) ; Gehrke Arthur Felipe (AF) ; De Bortoli João Paulo (JP) ; Gehrke Sergio Alexandre (SA) ;

Published in:

PloS one

Immediate implant placement following tooth extraction with simultaneous lateral sinus augmentation: a retrospective clinical study after at least 1 year of loading.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


Kim Bok-Joo (BJ) ; Kim Chul-Hoon (CH) ; Kim Jung-Han (JH) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

An experimental study on the effects of the cortical thickness and bone density on initial mechanical anchorage of different Straumann® implant designs.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


Emmert Marie (M) ; Gülses Aydin (A) ; Behrens Eleonore (E) ; Karayürek Fatih (F) ; Acil Yahya (Y) ; Wiltfang Jörg (J) ; Spille Johannes Heinrich (JH) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

Influence of low-level laser therapy on implant stability in implants placed in healed sites: a randomized controlled trial.


2021-11-24 12:00:00


Kinalski Mateus de Azevedo (MA) ; Agostini Bernardo Antonio (BA) ; Bergoli Cesar Dalmolin (CD) ; Dos Santos Mateus Bertolini Fernandes (MBF) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

Analysis of implant stability changes in immediate loading using a laser displacement sensor in vivo and comparison of its sensitivity with that of resonance frequency analysis.


2021-11-15 12:00:00


Murakami Kazuhiro (K) ; Yamamoto Kazuhiko (K) ; Ishida Junichi (J) ; Tsutsumi Sadami (S) ; Kirita Tadaaki (T) ;

Published in:

Clinical oral implants research

Osseodensification enables bone healing chambers with improved low-density bone site primary stability: an in vivo study.


2021-11-08 12:00:00


Mello-Machado Rafael Coutinho (RC) ; Sartoretto Suelen Cristina (SC) ; Granjeiro Jose Mauro (JM) ; Calasans-Maia José de Albuquerque (JA) ; de Uzeda Marcelo Jose Pinheiro Guedes (MJPG) ; Mourão Carlos Fernando de Almeida Barros (CFAB) ; Ghiraldini Bruna (B) ; Bezerra Fabio Jose Barbosa (FJB) ; Senna Plinio Mendes (PM) ; Calasans-Maia Mônica Diuana (MD) ;

Published in:

Scientific reports

Long term clinical result of implant induced injury on the adjacent tooth.


2021-11-03 12:00:00


Yi Yang-Jin (YJ) ; Park In-Woo (IW) ; Ku Jeong-Kui (JK) ; Jo Deuk-Won (DW) ; Han Jung-Suk (JS) ; Kim Young-Kyun (YK) ;

Published in:

Scientific reports

Primary Stability in Various Levels of Impacted Implants: An Ex Vivo Study.


2021-10-29 12:00:00


Bilmenoğlu Çağlar (Ç) ; Özyurt Anıl (A) ; Çilingir Ahmet Altuğ (AA) ; Turan Fatma Nesrin (FN) ;

Published in:

The Journal of oral implantology

Clinical Evaluation of Dental Implants with a Double Acid-Etched Surface Treatment: A Cohort Observational Study with Up to 10-Year Follow-Up.


2021-10-28 12:00:00


Santos Marino Juan (J) ; Cortés-Bretón Brinkmann Jorge (J) ; García-Gil Ignacio (I) ; Martínez-Rodríguez Natalia (N) ; Fraile Javier Flores (JF) ; Barona Dorado Cristina (C) ; Martínez-González José María (JM) ;

Published in:

Materials (Basel, Switzerland)

An In Vitro Analysis on Polyurethane Foam Blocks of the Insertion Torque (IT) Values, Removal Torque Values (RTVs), and Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) Values in Tapered and Cylindrical Implants.


2021-10-27 12:00:00


Comuzzi Luca (L) ; Tumedei Margherita (M) ; D’Arcangelo Camillo (C) ; Piattelli Adriano (A) ; Iezzi Giovanna (G) ;

Published in:

International journal of environmental research and public health

Early Bone Healing on Hydroxyapatite-Coated and Chemically-Modified Hydrophilic Implant Surfaces in an Ovine Model.


2021-10-25 12:00:00


Ajami Elnaz (E) ; Fu Cong (C) ; Wen Hai Bo (HB) ; Bassett Jeffrey (J) ; Park Sun Jin (SJ) ; Pollard Marie (M) ;

Published in:

International journal of molecular sciences

Immediate loading protocols increase the risk of failure of implants placed by fully guided surgery in partially edentulous jaws: A randomized clinical trial.


2021-10-25 12:00:00


Ko Kyung-A (KA) ; Song Young Woo (YW) ; Park Ji-Man (JM) ; Park Young-Bum (YB) ; Kim Chang-Sung (CS) ; Lee Jung-Seok (JS) ;

Published in:

Clinical implant dentistry and related research

Dental implants’ stability dependence on rotational speed and feed-rate of drilling: In-vivo and ex-vivo investigations.


2021-10-25 12:00:00


Mirzaie Tahereh (T) ; Rouhi Gholamreza (G) ; Mehdi Dehghan Mohammad (M) ; Farzad-Mohajeri Saeed (S) ; Barikani Hamidreza (H) ;

Published in:

Journal of biomechanics

Preliminary Study with the Use of a Titanium Mesh as Space Maker and Implant Primary Stabilization for One-Stage Sinus Lift in Cases with Less Than 1.5 mm Residual Bone.


2021-10-22 12:00:00


Filipov Iulian (I) ; Bolognesi Federico (F) ; Chirila Lucian (L) ; Cristache Corina Marilena (CM) ; Corinaldesi Giuseppe (G) ; Park Kwang Bum (KB) ;

Published in:

Journal of clinical medicine

Osteoconductivity of Porous Titanium Structure on Implants in Osteoporosis.


2021-10-22 12:00:00


Ko S Y (SY) ; Hong J Y (JY) ; Lee W (W) ; Chang Y Y (YY) ; Park K B (KB) ; Yun J H (JH) ;

Published in:

Journal of dental research

Bone-level changes around implants with 1- or 3-mm-high abutments and their relation to crestal mucosal thickness: A 1-year randomized clinical trial.


2021-10-21 12:00:00


Muñoz Marta (M) ; Busoms Emma (E) ; Vilarrasa Javi (J) ; Albertini Matteo (M) ; Ruíz-Magaz Vanessa (V) ; Nart José (J) ;

Published in:

Journal of clinical periodontology

Resonance frequency analysis of implants placed in condensed bone.


2021-10-12 12:00:00


Feher Balazs (B) ; Frommlet Florian (F) ; Gruber Reinhard (R) ; Hirtler Lena (L) ; Ulm Christian (C) ; Kuchler Ulrike (U) ;

Published in:

Clinical oral implants research

Influence of implant geometry and osteotomy design on early bone healing: A pre-clinical in vivo study.


2021-10-12 12:00:00


Abrahamsson Ingemar (I) ; Carcuac Olivier (O) ; Berglundh Tord (T) ;

Published in:

Clinical oral implants research

The effect of triangular cross-section neck design on crestal bone stability in the anterior mandible: A randomized, controlled, split-mouth clinical trial.


2021-10-12 12:00:00


Tokuc Berkay (B) ; Kan Bahadır (B) ;

Published in:

Clinical oral implants research

Safety and feasibility assessment of biodegradable poly (l-lactic acid/ε-caprolactone) membrane for guided bone regeneration: A case series of first-in-human pilot study.


2021-09-09 12:00:00


Ogata Kinuko (K) ; Ohba Seigo (S) ; Sumita Yoshinori (Y) ; Ashahina Izumi (I) ;

Published in:

Journal of dental sciences

Socket Preservation Using Xenograft Does Not Impair Implant Primary Stability in Sheep: Clinical, Histological, and Histomorphometric Study.


2021-09-06 12:00:00


Mayer Yaniv (Y) ; Ginesin Ofir (O) ; Zigdon-Giladi Hadar (H) ;

Published in:

The Journal of oral implantology