Jan 18, 2023
ISQ as a guide in implant rehabilitations.
ISQ as a guide in implant rehabilitations
By Dr. Stefano Trasarti
English | FREE
Januari 26, 6.00 PM CET (Amsterdam) / 12.00 AM EST (New York)
Webinar details
The knowledge of primary and secondary stability, in an objective way, can influence the timing of prosthetic rehabilitation and at the same time offers greater security for both the neophyte and the more experienced clinician. Different and varied clinical situations will be illustrated, from basic implantology situations to more advanced cases of bone regeneration, showing how the ISQ value is able to objectively certify the state of osseointegration.
Learning objectives:
The course is aimed for all clinicians interested in deepening their knowledge, understanding and usefulness of the technologies available today.
During the webinar, the participants will be able to deepen directly a new approach with Osstell “how to use it”, register the measurements and understand their importance for daily surgical activity.
About Dr. Stefano Trasarti
In March 2001 honours degree in dentistry by a vote of 110 cum laude at the University of L’Aquila. In the years 2003-2004 Master degree in restorative dentistry at the University of Bologna; in the years 2005-2007 master of surgery and periodontology at the University of Bologna. He works during the same years in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, University of Bologna. From 2008 he collaborates with Prof.Fouad Khoury at the Privat Zahnklinik Schellenstein in Olsberg and at the University of Munster in Germany. Since 2009 partecipates at the post-graduate program in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the same university. In September 2012 obtaines the specialization in oral surgery and implantology, recognised at the european level, at the University of Munster. Prize winner “Rigenero 2015” at the international congress SICOI (Italian oral surgey and implantology) Milan in October 2015. He is an active member of Italian Accademy of Osteointegration (IAO). Membership of EAO (European Association of Osteointegration) since 2015. Member of Peers Italy.
He teaches oral surgery at Dipartimento degli Studi Europei Jean Monnet Lugano and he’s visiting professor at the Istituto Stomatologico Toscano at the International Master of Oral Implantology from 2017.
Editorial Bord Members of Journal of Dentists.
Author of different publications in English and Italian.
Speaker in various courses and meeting in Italy and abroad. He collaborates with different privat office in Italy, mainly focusing on bone reconstruction and implantology.