Scientific Database


Base de datos científica

Nuestra base de datos actualizada periódicamente, en la que hemos compilado todas las investigaciones científicas relacionadas con Osstell y el ISQ, contiene ya más de 1500 artículos.


25 articles

Guided bone regeneration improves defect fill and reconstructive outcomes in 3-wall peri-implantitis defects.


2024-10-14 12:00:00


Afrashtehfar Kelvin I (KI) ; Alfallaj Hayam A (HA) ; Fernandez Eduardo (E) ; Hussaini Souheil (S) ;

Published in:

Evidence-based dentistry

Bovine-originated xenografts versus synthetic bone grafting materials in lateral maxillary sinus floor augmentation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


2024-10-11 12:00:00


Guo Tianqi (T) ; Gu Yingxin (Y) ; Zhang Xiao (X) ; Ding Xinxin (X) ; Zhang Xiaomeng (X) ; Zhu Yu (Y) ; Mo Jiaji (J) ; Shi Junyu (J) ; Lai Hongchang (H) ;

Published in:

Clinical implant dentistry and related research

Implant Stability After Graftless Motor-Driven Crestal Sinus Elevation: A Cohort Study.


2024-10-10 12:00:00


Alzoubi Fawaz M (FM) ; AlRumaih Hamad S (HS) ; Alhumaidan Abdulkareem A (AA) ; Al-Sulimmani Woroud (W) ;

Published in:

The Journal of oral implantology

Impact of Combining Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis and Physician-Modified Fenestrated-Branched Endovascular Repair for Complex Abdominal and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Concomitant Iliac Artery Aneurysms.


2024-10-10 12:00:00


Han Jesse Y (JY) ; DiBartolomeo Alexander D (AD) ; Pyun Alyssa J (AJ) ; Hong Yong H (YH) ; Paige Jacquelyn F (JF) ; Magee Gregory A (GA) ; Weaver Fred A (FA) ; Han Sukgu M (SM) ;

Published in:

Annals of vascular surgery

Assessing the predictability of five intraocular lens calculation methods in eyes with prior myopic keratorefractive lenticule extraction.


2024-10-10 12:00:00


de Rojas Silva Mª Victoria (MV) ; Tobío Ruibal Adrián (A) ; Suanzes Hernández Jorge (J) ; Darriba Folgar Hugo (H) ;

Published in:

Graefe’s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie

Injection of carbon dioxide instead of iodinated contrast to display the common bile duct during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.


2024-10-09 12:00:00


Liu Cui (C) ; Tian Lingyun (L) ; Ze Xingyu (X) ; Yang Ting (T) ; Wang Luowei (L) ; Li Zhaoshen (Z) ;

Published in:

Journal of minimal access surgery

A simple electrical circuit model for impedance spectroscopy with cochlear implant electrodes.


2024-10-04 12:00:00


Sehlmeyer Merle (M) ; Bhavsar Mit B (MB) ; Zimmermann Stefan (S) ; Maier Hannes (H) ;

Published in:

Hearing research

Brugada Syndrome Risk Stratification: Selecting the Population of Interest.


2024-10-02 12:00:00


Litt Michael (M) ; Deo Rajat (R) ;

Published in:

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Primary stability and osseointegration comparing a novel tapered design tissue-level implant with a parallel design tissue-level implant. An experimental in vivo study.


2024-09-30 12:00:00


Gill Thomas (T) ; Kühl Sebastian (S) ; Rawlinson Simon (S) ; Pippenger Benjamin (B) ; Bellon Benjamin (B) ; Shahdad Shakeel (S) ;

Published in:

Clinical oral implants research

Unlocking implant success: the impact of surgical techniques on primary stability in the posterior maxilla.


2024-09-27 12:00:00


Jamil Sundas (S) ;

Published in:

Evidence-based dentistry

Diagnostic measures for monitoring and follow-up in periodontology and implant dentistry.


2024-09-24 12:00:00


Ramseier Christoph A (CA) ;

Published in:

Periodontology 2000

Comparative utility of MRI and EEG for early detection of cortical dysmaturation after postnatal systemic inflammation in the neonatal rat.


2024-09-06 12:00:00


White Petra (P) ; Ranasinghe Sumudu (S) ; Chen Joseph (J) ; Van de Looij Yohan (Y) ; Sizonenko Stéphane (S) ; Prasad Jaya (J) ; Berry Mary (M) ; Bennet Laura (L) ; Gunn Alistair (A) ; Dean Justin (J) ;

Published in:

Brain, behavior, and immunity

Durable LAA isolation combining pulsed field ablation and radiofrequency linear lesions in a patient with a therapy refractory left atrial appendage tachycardia.


2024-09-06 12:00:00


Urbani Andrea (A) ; Tohoku Shota (S) ; Bordignon Stefano (S) ; Schaack David (D) ; Hirokami Jun (J) ; Urbanek Lukas (L) ; Kheir Joseph Antoine (JA) ; Schmidt Boris (B) ; Chun K R Julian (KRJ) ;

Published in:

Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing

The Evaluation of Enamel Matrix Derivative on the Bone Regenerative Potential of the Dental Implant with the Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation Approach: A Randomized, Parallel CBCT Study.


2024-08-29 12:00:00


Ozbay Deniz (D) ; Tunc Samet (S) ; Uraz Çörekci Ahu (A) ; Guler Ayyildiz Berceste (B) ; Cula Serpil (S) ;

Published in:

The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants

Comparative efficacy of photobiomodulation on osseointegration in dental implants: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


2024-08-19 12:00:00


Saini Ravinder S (RS) ; Kanji Masroor Ahmed (MA) ; Okshah Abdulmajeed (A) ; Alshadidi Abdulkhaliq Ali F (AAF) ; Binduhayyim Rayan Ibrahim H (RIH) ; Vyas Rajesh (R) ; Aldosari Lujain Ibrahim N (LIN) ; Vardanyan Anna (A) ; Mosaddad Seyed Ali (SA) ; Heboyan Artak (A) ;

Published in:

Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy

Three-dimensional volumetric assessment and stability of simultaneously placed implant following sinus floor augmentation with deproteinized human demineralized tooth matrix or deproteinized bovine bone mineral: a randomized controlled clinical trial.


2024-08-17 12:00:00


Paetnukroh Nattha (N) ; Leepong Narit (N) ; Suttapreyasri Srisurang (S) ;

Published in:

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Clinical performance of polymer frameworks in dental prostheses: A systematic review.


2024-08-07 12:00:00


Gama Lorena Tavares (LT) ; Bezerra Adriana Pinto (AP) ; Schimmel Martin (M) ; Rodrigues Garcia Renata Cunha Matheus (RCM) ; de Luca Canto Graziela (G) ; Gonçalves Thais Marques Simek Vega (TMSV) ;

Published in:

The Journal of prosthetic dentistry

Correlation between Periotest value and implant stability quotient: a systematic review.


2024-08-07 12:00:00


Semenzin Rodrigues Alana (A) ; de Moraes Melo Neto Clóvis Lamartine (CL) ; Santos Januzzi Marcella (M) ; Dos Santos Daniela Micheline (DM) ; Goiato Marcelo Coelho (MC) ;

Published in:

Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering

Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using a Collagenated Xenograft: A Randomized Clinical Trial.


2024-08-07 12:00:00


Kim Hyunjae (H) ; Han Hee-Seung (HS) ; Ghanaati Shahram (S) ; Zadeh Homayoun H (HH) ; Kim Sungtae (S) ; Cho Young-Dan (YD) ;

Published in:

International dental journal

An eight-year retrospective study on the clinical outcomes of laser surface-treated implants.


2024-08-05 12:00:00


Leesungbok Richard (R) ; Hong Sung Ok (SO) ; Lee Suk-Won (SW) ; Htay Phyo Ei Ei (PEE) ; Choi Joseph Junesirk (JJ) ; Park Jung Jin (JJ) ;

Published in:

International journal of implant dentistry

Clinical evaluation of implants placed within or beyond the boundaries of the alveolar ridge preservation: a retrospective case series with 10 weeks of observations in 28 patients.


2024-07-10 12:00:00


Ko Young-Chang (YC) ; Koo Ki-Tae (KT) ; Li Ling (L) ; Lee Dongseob (D) ; Lee Yong-Moo (YM) ; Seol Yang-Jo (YJ) ; Kim Tae-Hyung (TH) ; Lee Jungwon (J) ;

Published in:

Journal of periodontal & implant science

Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on the Osseointegration of Immediately Loaded Implants with a Connective Tissue Graft: A Randomized Clinical Trial.


2024-06-30 12:00:00


Momeni Mohadese (M) ; Safari Malihe (M) ; Sarrafzadeh Arash (A) ; Momeni Ehsan (E) ;

Published in:

Journal of lasers in medical sciences

The Effect of Osteotomy Preparation Technique and Implant Diameter on Primary Stability and Bone-implant Interface of Short Implants (6 mm).


2024-06-28 12:00:00


Koutouzis Theofilos (T) ; Bembey Kanika (K) ; Sofos Stavros (S) ;

Published in:

The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants

Thermal implant removal in a pig jaw: a proof of concept study.


2024-06-27 12:00:00


Kniha Kristian (K) ; Haas Lorenz (L) ; Al-Sibai Faruk (F) ; Kneer Reinhold (R) ; Möhlhenrich Stephan Christian (SC) ; Hermanns-Sachweh Benita (B) ; Hölzle Frank (F) ; Modabber Ali (A) ;

Published in:

Clinical oral investigations

Influence of torque and bone type on stability quotient of two implant platforms: a clinical trial.


2024-06-26 12:00:00


Bannwart Lisiane Cristina (LC) ; Santos Daniela Micheline Dos (DMD) ; Souza João Paulo do Vale (JPDV) ; Melo Neto Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes (CLM) ; Silva Emily Vivianne Freitas da (EVFD) ; Mazaro José Vitor Quinelli (JVQ) ; Salzedas Leda Maria Piscinini (LMP) ; Goiato Marcelo Coelho (MC) ;

Published in:

Brazilian oral research